We Create the Economy

Create the Future You Want ...   
With Eyes Wide Open Clarity + Awareness
of What You Have and How to Use It,
So You Can Be In Your Right Role as a
Creator of the Economy

7-Days to Create the Future You Want ...   
With Eyes Wide Open Clarity + Awareness of What You Have and How to Use It, So You Can Be In Your Right Role as a
Creator of the Economy

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We Create the Economy Video Course

This is a No-Financial Cost Offering of Ali Katz +

Eyes Wide Open Life


The Intensive is a

No-Financial Cost Offering of Ali Katz +

Eyes Wide Open Life

In this FREE Intensive, You Will…

  • Understanding your critically important role, as a creator of the economy

  • ​Discover your power to create a "we" economy rather than an "I" economy.

  • ​Know exactly where to invest your time, energy, attention and money next so you and your family will be fully supported, no matter what happens.

  • ​Stop chasing money, or trying to figure out how to get rich quick ... or wasting your genius obsessed with making more money, and use what you have wisely now.

  • ​Time is short for us to wake up from the "financial freedom" myth and start experiencing 'Financial Liberation'

In this FREE Course, You Will…

  • Understanding your critically important role, as a creator of the economy.

  • ​Discover your power to create a "we" economy rather than an "I" economy.

  • ​Know exactly where to invest your Time, Energy, Attention and Money next so you and your family will be fully supported, no matter what happens.

  • ​Stop chasing money, or trying to figure out how to get rich quick ... or wasting your genius obsessed with making more money, and use what you have wisely now.

  • ​Time is short for us to wake up from the "financial freedom" myth and start experiencing 'Financial Liberation'

Our Access to Resources is a Privilege

When the world feels uncertain, self-trust is more important than ever. True empowerment comes from understanding and owning your relationship with money—so you can make wise decisions and step fully into your role as a creator of the economy.

Feeling guilt or shame about money—having it, misusing it, or struggling with it—won’t help you create more ease and confidence in your life.

What will?

Owning your TEAM resources—

Time, Energy, Attention, and Money

—and managing them wisely. That’s your real power.

Our Access to Resources is a Privilege

When the world feels uncertain, self-trust is more important than ever. True empowerment comes from understanding and owning your relationship with money—so you can make wise decisions and step fully into your role as a creator of the economy.

Feeling guilt or shame about money —having it, misusing it, or struggling with it— won’t help you create more ease and confidence in your life.

What will?

Owning your resources—





(your TEAM resources)

-and managing them wisely.

That’s your real power.

Are you ready?!

Let’s get you crystal clear now so you can forge a new relationship with your resources and become a 100% conscious creator of the future you are here to create now. Money is infinite, when you know how to access it.

Together, let’s remove any guilt, shame, overwhelm, or fear from your relationship with money, credit, debt, a future inheritance, how you earn your money, and what you do with your time, energy and attention… 

And forge a plan to build a better future for yourself and for the world. Together, we can.

Are you ready?!

Let’s get you crystal clear now so you can forge a new relationship with your resources and become a 100% conscious creator of the future you are here to create now. Money is infinite, when you know how to access it.

Together, let’s remove any guilt, shame, overwhelm, or fear from your relationship with money, credit, debt, a future inheritance, how you earn your money, and what you do with your time, energy and attention… 

And forge a plan to build a better future for yourself and for the world. Together, we can.


Hi, I’m Ali.

For nearly 20 years as an attorney, entrepreneur, and private advisor, I’ve helped families and business owners see their resources—financial and beyond—in a whole new way.

I stand for balance and harmony, advocate for a world that works for everyone, and wholeheartedly believe you already have exactly what you need to do what you’re here to do.

If you align your resources properly. 

After reaching the heights of traditional success—building two million-dollar businesses, writing a best-selling book, and appearing on TV and radio as a family, financial, and legal expert—I realized none of it truly mattered if I was coming from the wrong place.

I uncovered a faulty relationship with money that left me feeling like I never had enough, no matter how much I made. I saw how this scarcity mindset permeates our culture, leading us to make poor choices with our resources instead of using them to create a life of real meaning.

So, I walked away from it all to discover the truth about money.

And what I discovered was shocking.

I discovered that Money Dysmorphia

—a distorted view of money—was driving me, and so many others, to chase a reality that could never truly fulfill us.

The scariest part? Those who believe they

aren’t motivated by money are often the most affected, unknowingly trapped in a cycle that recreates exactly what they don’t want.

Once I saw this, I could not rest until I found the cure for this distortion.

And, I did.

Today, I engage with money—and all my resources—consciously, allowing me to fully step into my role as a creator of the economy while still recognizing the places I get to heal. I want that for you, too.

We can no longer afford for heart-centered people to stay confused about money.

During the 7 Step Course, I’ll share everything with you, so you can uncover where Money Dysmorphia may be operating in your life—and finally break free from it.

If you're committed to a life of true fulfillment, a legacy of real meaning, and using your resources to create a world that works for all, including you —I hope you’ll join me.


Hi, I’m Ali.

And for the better part of 20 years in my work as an attorney, entrepreneur and private advisor to families and business owners, I’ve been helping people see their resources (financial and otherwise) in a new way. 

I am a stand for creating more balance and harmony in the world, a passionate advocate for a world that works for everyone, and a true believer that you have the exact resources you need to do exactly what is yours to do...

If you align your resources properly. 

After reaching the heights of traditional success—building two million-dollar businesses, writing a best-selling book, and appearing on TV and radio as a family, financial, and legal expert—I realized none of it truly mattered if I was coming from the wrong place.

I uncovered a faulty relationship with money that left me feeling like I never had enough, no matter how much I made. I saw how this scarcity mindset permeates our culture, leading us to make poor choices with our resources instead of using them to create a life of real meaning.

So, I walked away from it all to discover the truth about money.

And what I discovered was shocking.

I discovered that Money Dysmorphia -- a distorted view of money -- is driving far too many of us, myself included, to create a reality that can simply never be fulfilling. 

And here’s the scariest thing I discovered: the people who most believe they aren’t motivated by money are the most impacted by Money Dysmorphia, and living in a false reality that is subconsciously replicating exactly what we don’t want.

Once I saw this -

I could not rest until I found the cure for this distortion. And, I did.

Today, I engage with money—and all my resources—consciously, allowing me to fully step into my role as a creator of the economy while still recognizing the places I get to heal. I want that for you, too.

We can no longer afford for heart-centered people to stay confused about money.

During the 7-day Intensive, I’ll share everything with you, so you can uncover where Money Dysmorphia may be operating in your life—and finally break free from it.

If you're committed to a life of true fulfillment, a legacy of real meaning, and using your resources to create a world that works for all, including you —I hope you’ll join me.



Get Immediate Access to the We Create the Economy Course Right Now!

Here’s What We’ll Do Together Over this Journey:

Step 1

The Journey to Financial Liberation

Stop Chasing Financial Freedom Trap and Experience Financial Liberation Now

The idea of financial freedom is a setup—designed by the media and financial industries to keep us stuck in an endless cycle of earning, saving, and investing that doesn’t truly serve us, our families, or our planet.

It fuels their machine, even as we watch it break down piece by piece. But for us? It costs us our lives—and it’s not sustainable.

The good news? Once we see it, we can learn to use the system without being trapped by it.

It all starts with understanding the 4 Stages of the Journey to Financial Liberation—so you can map where you are and step fully into your power as the creator of your path.

Step 2

Your Role as a Creator of the Economy

Make the Shifts Necessary to Step Into Your Role

You’ve been trained to consume instead of create, react instead of take responsibility, and feel subject to the economy rather than recognize your role as a creator of it.

On Day 2 of the Intensive, we change all that.

Once you see your power, you can’t unsee it. This session will give you the clarity to understand what you’ve likely sensed all along—but haven’t been able to put into words—about why money has felt so unclear.

Step 3

Eyes Wide Open:

Understand Life's Tests + How You've Been Programmed 

If you ever ask yourself, why do I keep spending everything I make, or how come I'm so stressed when it comes to money, or how come every time I make a big plan for my business, something happens to take me off course ... or how come I worry about money constantly ... this session will show you what's happening, so you can recognize that you are on the right path, and stay focused on where you want to go and what you are here to create.

Step 4

Generate What You Need

The first stage on the Journey to Financial Liberation: Generate

If you’ve ever wondered:

💰Why do I keep spending everything I make?
💰Why is money so stressful?
💰Why does something always derail my big business plans?
💰Why do I worry about money constantly?

This session will reveal what’s really happening—so you can see that you

are on the right path, stay focused on where you’re going, and step fully into what you’re here to create.

Step 5

Steward What You Have

Be Your Own Best Advisor -- First and Foremost

When you learn to care for what you have, Life gives you more. When you don’t, Life takes it—so you can go back and learn to steward less.

It’s all part of the journey… a spiral path that always gives you another chance. But when you master stewardship now, you don’t have to lose it first.

This session will show you how.

Step 6

Detach From What Is Holding You Back

Detachment is a natural part of the journey—an essential shift as you move from one level of belief and understanding to a new level of clarity and awareness.

It can feel disorienting, even unsettling, unless you see it for what it is.

OnDay 6

, you’ll gain the awareness and understanding to navigate this phase with confidence—so you can move forward with trust instead of confusion.

Step 7


With clear next steps and understanding of where to go from here.

The fourth stage of the Journey to Financial Liberation is Liberate—a time for both celebration and preparation for what’s next.

Many of us skip this step, not knowing how to truly celebrate. Others get stuck in celebration and miss the next turn of the wheel.

But remember, this journey is a spiral. The destination isn’t a place—it’s a deeper awareness of who you are, why you’re here, and what’s yours to do next.

Thank you for waking up and being here now.

Here’s What We’ll Do Together Over Our 7-Day Journey:

Day 1

The Journey to Financial Liberation

Stop Chasing Financial Freedom Trap and Experience Financial Liberation Now

The idea of financial freedom is a setup—designed by the media and financial industries to keep us stuck in an endless cycle of earning, saving, and investing that doesn’t truly serve us, our families, or our planet.

It fuels their machine, even as we watch it break down piece by piece. But for us? It costs us our lives—and it’s not sustainable.

The good news? Once we see it, we can learn to use the system without being trapped by it.

It all starts with understanding the

4 Stages of the Journey to Financial Liberation—so you can map where you are and step fully into your power as the creator of your path.

Day 2

Your Role as a Creator of the Economy

Make the Shifts Necessary to Step Into Your Role

You’ve been trained to consume instead of create, react instead of take responsibility, and feel subject to the economy rather than recognize your role as a creator of it.

On Day 2 of the Intensive, we change all that.

Once you see your power, you can’t unsee it. This session will give you the clarity to understand what you’ve likely sensed all along—but haven’t been able to put into words—about why money has felt so unclear.

Day 3

Eyes Wide Open:

Understand Life's Tests + How You've Been Programmed 

If you ever ask yourself, why do I keep spending everything I make, or how come I'm so stressed when it comes to money, or how come every time I make a big plan for my business, something happens to take me off course ... or how come I worry about money constantly ... this session will show you what's happening, so you can recognize that you are on the right path, and stay focused on where you want to go and what you are here to create.

Day 4

Generate What You Need

The first stage on the Journey to Financial Liberation: Generate

If you’ve ever wondered:

💰Why do I keep spending everything I make?
💰 Why is money so stressful?
💰Why does something always derail my big business plans?
💰Why do I worry about money constantly?

This session will reveal what’s really happening—so you can see that you

are on the right path, stay focused on where you’re going, and step fully into what you’re here to create.

Day 5

Steward What You Have

Be Your Own Best Advisor -- First and Foremost

When you learn to care for what you have, Life gives you more. When you don’t, Life takes it—so you can go back and learn to steward less.

It’s all part of the journey… a spiral path that always gives you another chance. But when you master stewardship now, you don’t have to lose it first.

This session will show you how.

Day 6

Detach From What Is Holding You Back

Detachment is a natural part of the journey—an essential shift as you move from one level of belief and understanding to a new level of clarity and awareness.

It can feel disorienting, even unsettling, unless you


it for what it is.

On Day 6, you’ll gain the awareness and understanding to navigate this phase with confidence—so you can move forward with trust instead of confusion.

Day 7


With clear next steps and understanding of where to go from here.

The 4th stage of the journey to financial liberation is liberate, and it's a time for celebration and preparation for the next turn of the wheel. Most of us skip it because we don't know how to celebrate very well, or if we do, we could get stuck in too much celebration and miss the next turn that's coming. Remember, it's a spiral path ... the only place to get to is the awareness and clarity of who you are, why you are here, and what's yours to do next. Thank you for waking up and being here now.

This self-study course will awaken you... 

Here’s what I know about gaining clarity on who we are, why we’re here, and what’s ours to do—and then actually creating the change to live into that truth:

When we go it alone, it’s easy to get lost—repeating old patterns, reinforcing past traumas, and deepening the lack of self-trust passed down for generations. I know because I’ve been there.

But when we do it together, with our eyes wide open, we step into empowered sovereignty—building self-trust, gaining clear vision, and repairing not just our own mistakes, but those of generations before us.

Join Us. We Create the Economy. And, Together We Rise!

This self-study course will awaken you... 

Here’s what I know about gaining clarity around who we are, why we are here, and what’s yours to do and then creating change in our lives to live into this reality for ourselves…  

If we go it alone, it’s really easy to get lost along the way, and build upon past traumas and lack of self-trust, reinforcing the old patterns that have been passed on for generations. I know because it’s happened for me. 

But, when we do it together, with our eyes wide open, we can step into empowered sovereignty with clear vision and insight to build self-trust and repair our (and our parents, and their parents and so on) past mistakes. 

Join Us.

We Create the Economy


"By being willing to wake up, face where my consciousness needed an uplevel, and then actually make the shifts inside of myself to bring out the congruence and alignment that is the truth of who I’ve always known myself to be, but wasn’t very good at living in the real world."

Cathy Lynn

“I created more time for my vision by retiring 2 years early - helps to a degree, but now I need this tool to be clear about my non-renewables. Mind in service to Heart. 

Thanks so much Ali for this clarity…”

James Visser 

"“I can see so much of my struggle with money & business has been lack of self-trust. With your teachings I am now going to dream bigger and create the vision that my heart wants to bring into being. I also loved how transparent you’ve been in sharing your own mistakes and lessons.”

Angelina DeWeese

Get Immediate Access to the We Create the Economy Series Right Now!

Money is infinite, when you know how to work with it wisely.
Let's make sure you do. 

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